2024-02-25 08:27:01 +08:00

592 lines
27 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

"login": {
"email": "Email",
"password": "Password",
"captcha": "CAPTCHA",
"captchaError": "Cannot load CAPTCHA: {{message}}",
"signIn": "Sign in",
"signUp": "Sign up",
"signUpAccount": "Sign up",
"useFIDO2": "Use Hardware Authenticator",
"usePassword": "Use Password",
"forgetPassword": "Forgot password?",
"2FA": "2FA Verification",
"input2FACode": "Please enter the six-digit 2FA verification code",
"passwordNotMatch": "Those passwords didnt match.",
"findMyPassword": "Find my password",
"passwordReset": "Password has been reset.",
"newPassword": "New password",
"repeatNewPassword": "Repeat the new password",
"repeatPassword": "Repeat the password",
"resetPassword": "Reset my password",
"backToSingIn": "Back to sign in",
"sendMeAnEmail": "Send me an email",
"resetEmailSent": "An email has been sent, please pay attention to check.",
"browserNotSupport": "Not supported by current browser or environment.",
"success": "Sign in successful",
"signUpSuccess": "Sign up successful",
"activateSuccess": "Sign up completed",
"accountActivated": "Your account has been successfully activated.",
"title": "Sign in to {{title}}",
"sinUpTitle": "Sign up to {{title}}",
"activateTitle": "Activate your account",
"activateDescription": "An activation email has been sent to your email address, please visit the link in the email to complete your sign-up.",
"continue": "Next",
"logout": "Sign out",
"loggedOut": "You are signed out now.",
"clickToRefresh": "Click to refresh"
"navbar": {
"myFiles": "My Files",
"myShare": "Shared",
"remoteDownload": "Remote Download",
"connect": "Connect & Mount",
"taskQueue": "Task Queue",
"setting": "Settings",
"videos": "Videos",
"photos": "Photos",
"music": "Music",
"documents": "Documents",
"addATag": "Add a tag...",
"addTagDialog": {
"selectFolder": "Select a Folder",
"fileSelector": "File Selector",
"folderLink": "Folder Shortcut",
"tagName": "Tag name",
"matchPattern": "Match pattern(s) of file name",
"matchPatternDescription": "You can use <0>*</0> as a wildcard. For example, <1>*.png</1> means match png format images. Multi-line rules will operate in an \"or\" relationship with each other.",
"icon": "Icon:",
"color": "Color:",
"folderPath": "Path to the folder"
"storage": "Storage",
"storageDetail": "{{used}} of {{total}} used",
"notLoginIn": "Not sign in",
"visitor": "Anonymous",
"objectsSelected": "{{num}} objects selected",
"searchPlaceholder": "Search...",
"searchInFiles": "Search <0>{{name}}</0> in my files",
"searchInFolders": "Search <0>{{name}}</0> under current folder",
"searchInShares": "Search <0>{{name}}</0> in other users shares",
"backToHomepage": "Back to homepage",
"toDarkMode": "Switch to dark theme",
"toLightMode": "Switch to light theme",
"myProfile": "My profile",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"exceedQuota": "Your used capacity has exceeded the quota, please delete the extra files."
"fileManager": {
"open": "Open",
"openParentFolder": "Open parent folder",
"download": "Download",
"batchDownload": "Download in batch",
"share": "Share",
"rename": "Rename",
"move": "Move",
"delete": "Remove",
"moreActions": "More actions...",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"compress": "Compress",
"newFolder": "New folder",
"newFile": "New file",
"showFullPath": "Show full path",
"listView": "List view",
"gridViewSmall": "Grid view (no preview)",
"gridViewLarge": "Grid view",
"paginationSize": "Pagination",
"paginationOption": "{{option}} / page",
"noPagination": "No pagination",
"sortMethod": "Sort by",
"sortMethods": {
"A-Z": "A-Z",
"Z-A": "Z-A",
"oldestUploaded": "Oldest uploaded",
"newestUploaded": "Newest uploaded",
"oldestModified": "Oldest modified",
"newestModified": "Newest modified",
"smallest": "Smallest",
"largest": "Largest"
"shareCreateBy": "Created by {{nick}}",
"name": "Name",
"size": "Size",
"lastModified": "Last modified",
"currentFolder": "Current Folder",
"backToParentFolder": "Back to the parent",
"folders": "Folders",
"files": "Files",
"listError": ":( Failed to lis files",
"dropFileHere": "Drag and drop the file here",
"orClickUploadButton": "Or click the \"Upload File\" button at the bottom right to add a file",
"nothingFound": "Nothing was found",
"uploadFiles": "Upload files",
"uploadFolder": "Upload folder",
"newRemoteDownloads": "New remote download",
"enter": "Enter",
"getSourceLink": "Get source link",
"getSourceLinkInBatch": "Get source links",
"createRemoteDownloadForTorrent": "New remote download",
"decompress": "Decompress",
"createShareLink": "Share",
"viewDetails": "View details",
"copy": "Copy",
"bytes": " ({{bytes}} Bytes)",
"storagePolicy": "Storage policy",
"inheritedFromParent": "Inherited from parent",
"childFolders": "Child folders",
"childFiles": "Child files",
"childCount": "{{num}}",
"parentFolder": "Parent folder",
"rootFolder": "Root folder",
"modifiedAt": "Modified at",
"createdAt": "Created at",
"statisticAt": "Statistic at <1></1>",
"musicPlayer": "Music player",
"closeAndStop": "Close and stop",
"playInBackground": "Play in background",
"copyTo": "Copy to",
"copyToDst": "Copy to <0>{{dst}}</0>",
"errorReadFileContent": "Failed to read file content: {{msg}}",
"wordWrap": "Word wrap",
"pdfLoadingError": "Failed to load PDF: {{msg}}",
"subtitleSwitchTo": "Subtitle switched to: {{subtitle}}",
"noSubtitleAvailable": "No available subtitle files in the video folder (supported: ASS/SRT/VTT)",
"subtitle": "Subtitles",
"playlist": "Playlist",
"openInExternalPlayer": "Open in external player",
"searchResult": "Search Results",
"preparingBathDownload": "Preparing batch download...",
"preparingDownload": "Preparing to download...",
"browserBatchDownload": "Browser-side archiving",
"browserBatchDownloadDescription": "Downloaded and packaged by the browser in real time, not all environments are supported.",
"serverBatchDownload": "Server-side transit archiving",
"serverBatchDownloadDescription": "Archive by the server and sent to the client for download on-the-fly.",
"selectArchiveMethod": "Select archive method",
"batchDownloadStarted": "Batch download has started, please do not close this tab",
"batchDownloadError": "Failed to archive: {{msg}}",
"userDenied": "User denied.",
"directoryDownloadReplace": "Overwrite",
"directoryDownloadReplaceDescription": "{{num}} objects including {{duplicates}} will be overwritten.",
"directoryDownloadSkip": "Skip",
"directoryDownloadSkipDescription": "{{num}} objects including {{duplicates}} will be skipped.",
"selectDirectoryDuplicationMethod": "How to handle duplicate files?",
"directoryDownloadStarted": "Download started, please do not close this tab.",
"directoryDownloadFinished": "Download finished, no failed objects.",
"directoryDownloadFinishedWithError": "Download finished, {{failed}} object failed.",
"directoryDownloadPermissionError": "Permission denied, please allow read and write local files."
"modals": {
"processing": "Processing...",
"duplicatedObjectName": "Duplicated object name.",
"duplicatedFolderName": "Duplicated folder name.",
"taskCreated": "Task created.",
"taskCreateFailed": "{{failed}} task(s) failed to be created: {{details}}.",
"linkCopied": "Link copied.",
"getSourceLinkTitle": "Get source link",
"sourceLink": "Source link",
"folderName": "Folder name",
"create": "Create",
"fileName": "File name",
"renameDescription": "Enter the new name for <0>{{name}}</0> :",
"newName": "New name",
"moveToTitle": "Move to",
"moveToDescription": "Move to <0>{{name}}</0>",
"saveToTitle": "Save to",
"saveToTitleDescription": "Save to <0>{{name}}</0>",
"deleteTitle": "Delete objects",
"deleteOneDescription": "Are you sure to delete <0>{{name}}</0> ?",
"deleteMultipleDescription": "Are you sure to remove those {{num}} objects?",
"newRemoteDownloadTitle": "New remote download task",
"remoteDownloadURL": "Download target URL",
"remoteDownloadURLDescription": "Paste the download URL, one URL per line, support HTTP(s) / FTP / Magnet link",
"remoteDownloadDst": "Download to",
"remoteDownloadNode": "Download node",
"remoteDownloadNodeAuto": "Auto dispatch",
"createTask": "Creat task",
"downloadTo": "Download to <0>{{name}}</0>",
"decompressTo": "Decompress to",
"decompressToDst": "Decompress to <0>{{name}}</0>",
"defaultEncoding": "Default",
"chineseMajorEncoding": "",
"selectEncoding": "Select the encoding for non-UTF8 characters",
"noEncodingSelected": "No encoding method selected",
"listingFiles": "Listing files...",
"listingFileError": "Failed to list files: {{message}}",
"generatingSourceLinks": "Generating source links...",
"noFileCanGenerateSourceLink": "There is no file that can be used to generate source link",
"sourceBatchSizeExceeded": "The current user group can generate source links for a maximum of {{limit}} files at the same time.",
"zipFileName": "ZIP file name",
"shareLinkShareContent": "I shared with you: {{name}} Link: {{link}}",
"shareLinkPasswordInfo": "Password: {{password}}",
"createShareLink": "Create share link",
"usePasswordProtection": "Use password protection",
"sharePassword": "Share password",
"randomlyGenerate": "Random",
"expireAutomatically": "Automatic expiration",
"downloadLimitOptions": "{{num}} downloads",
"or": "Or after",
"5minutes": "5 minutes",
"1hour": "1 hour",
"1day": "1 day",
"7days": "7 days",
"30days": "30 days",
"custom": "Custom",
"seconds": "seconds",
"downloads": "downloads",
"downloadSuffix": "",
"allowPreview": "Enable preview",
"allowPreviewDescription": "Whether to allow preview of file content from the share link",
"shareLink": "Share link",
"sendLink": "Send the link",
"directoryDownloadReplaceNotifiction": "Overwrite {{name}}",
"directoryDownloadSkipNotifiction": "Skipped {{name}}",
"directoryDownloadTitle": "Download",
"directoryDownloadStarted": "Start downloading {{name}}",
"directoryDownloadFinished": "Download finished",
"directoryDownloadError": "Error: {{msg}}",
"directoryDownloadErrorNotification": "Error occurs while download {{name}}: {{msg}}",
"directoryDownloadAutoscroll": "Auto scroll",
"directoryDownloadCancelled": "Download cancelled",
"advanceOptions": "Advanced options",
"forceDelete": "Force delete ",
"forceDeleteDes": "Force delete file records, regardless of whether the physical file was successfully deleted.",
"unlinkOnly": "Unlink only",
"unlinkOnlyDes": "Delete file records only, physical files will not be deleted."
"uploader": {
"fileNotMatchError": "The selected file does not match the original file.",
"unknownError": "Unknown error occurs: {{msg}}",
"taskListEmpty": "No upload task.",
"hideTaskList": "Hide the list",
"uploadTasks": "Upload tasks",
"moreActions": "More actions",
"addNewFiles": "Add new files",
"toggleTaskList": "Expand/Collapse the list",
"pendingInQueue": "Pending in queue...",
"preparing": "Preparing...",
"processing": "Processing...",
"progressDescription": "{{uploaded}} uploaded, {{total}} total - {{percentage}}%",
"progressDescriptionFull": "{{uploaded}} uploaded, {{total}} total - {{percentage}}% ({{speed}})",
"progressDescriptionPlaceHolder": " - uploaded",
"uploadedTo": "Uploaded to ",
"rootFolder": "Root folder",
"unknownStatus": "Unknown",
"resumed": "Resumed",
"resumable": "Resumable",
"retry": "Retry",
"deleteTask": "Delete task",
"cancelAndDelete": "Cancel and delete",
"selectAndResume": "Select the same file and resume uploading",
"fileName": "Name: ",
"fileSize": "Size: ",
"sessionExpiredIn": "Expires <0></0>",
"chunkDescription": "({{total}} chunks, {{size}} each)",
"noChunks": "(No chunks)",
"destination": "Destination: ",
"uploadSession": "Upload session: ",
"errorDetails": "Error details: ",
"uploadSessionCleaned": "All upload sessions cleared.",
"hideCompletedTooltip": "Hide completed, failed and cancelled tasks.",
"hideCompleted": "Hide completed tasks",
"addTimeAscTooltip": "Tasks added first are ranked first.",
"addTimeAsc":"Oldest to newest",
"addTimeDescTooltip": "Latest added first are ranked first.",
"addTimeDesc": "Newest to oldest",
"showInstantSpeedTooltip": "Task upload speeds are shown as instantaneous speed.",
"showInstantSpeed": "Instantaneous speed",
"showAvgSpeedTooltip": "Task upload speeds are shown as average speeds.",
"showAvgSpeed": "Average speed",
"cleanAllSessionTooltip": "Clear all outstanding upload sessions on the server side.",
"cleanAllSession": "Clear all upload sessions",
"cleanCompletedTooltip": "Clear completed, failed, and cancelled tasks",
"cleanCompleted": "Clear completed tasks",
"retryFailedTasks": "Retry all failed tasks",
"retryFailedTasksTooltip": "Retry all failed tasks in current queue",
"setConcurrentTooltip": "Set the max number of tasks that can be uploaded simultaneously.",
"setConcurrent": "Set concurrent task limit",
"sizeExceedLimitError": "File size exceeds storage policy limits. (Maximum: {{max}})",
"suffixNotAllowedError": "The storage policy does not support uploading files with this extension. (Supported:{{supported}})",
"createUploadSessionError": "Unable to create upload session",
"deleteUploadSessionError": "Unable to delete upload session",
"requestError": "Request failed: {{msg}} ({{url}}).",
"chunkUploadError": "Failed to upload chunk [{{index}}].",
"conflictError": "The upload task for files with the same name is already being processed.",
"chunkUploadErrorWithMsg": "Chunk upload failed: {{msg}}",
"chunkUploadErrorWithRetryAfter": "(Please retry after {{retryAfter}}s)",
"emptyFileError": "Uploading empty files to OneDrive is not supported, please create empty files via the Create File button.",
"finishUploadError": "Unable to complete file upload.",
"finishUploadErrorWithMsg": "Unable to complete file upload: {{msg}}",
"ossFinishUploadError": "Unable to complete file upload: {{msg}} ({{code}})",
"cosUploadFailed": "Upload failed: {{msg}} ({{code}})",
"upyunUploadFailed": "Upload failed: {{msg}}",
"parseResponseError": "Unable to parse response: {{msg}} ({{content}})",
"concurrentTaskNumber": "Concurrent task limit",
"dropFileHere": "Drop file to upload"
"share": {
"expireInXDays": "Expire in $t(share.days, {\"count\": {{num}} })",
"days":"{{count}} day",
"days_other":"{{count}} days",
"expireInXHours":"Expire in $t(share.hours, {\"count\": {{num}} })",
"hours":"an hour",
"hours_other":"{{count}} hours",
"createdBy": "Created by <0>{{nick}}</0>",
"sharedBy": "<0>{{nick}}</0> shared $t(share.files, {\"count\": {{num}} }) to you.",
"files":"1 file",
"files_other":"{{count}} files",
"statistics": "$t(share.views, {\"count\": {{views}} }) • $t(share.downloads, {\"count\": {{downloads}} }) • {{time}}",
"views":"{{count}} view",
"views_other":"{{count}} views",
"downloads":"{{count}} download",
"downloads_other":"{{count}} downloads",
"privateShareTitle": "Private share from {{nick}}",
"enterPassword": "Enter share password",
"continue": "Continue",
"shareCanceled": "Share is canceled.",
"listLoadingError": "Failed to load.",
"sharedFiles": "Shared files",
"createdAtDesc": "Date (Descending)",
"createdAtAsc": "Date (Ascending)",
"downloadsDesc": "Number of downloads (Descending)",
"downloadsAsc":"Number of downloads (Ascending)",
"viewsDesc":"Number of views (Descending)",
"viewsAsc":"Number of views (Ascending)",
"noRecords": "No shared files.",
"sourceNotFound": "[Source not exist]",
"expired": "Expired",
"changeToPublic": "Make it public",
"changeToPrivate": "Make it private",
"viewPassword": "View password",
"disablePreview": "Disable preview",
"enablePreview": "Enable preview",
"cancelShare": "Cancel share",
"sharePassword": "Share password",
"readmeError": "Cannot load README: {{msg}}",
"enterKeywords": "Please enter search keywords.",
"searchResult": "Search results",
"sharedAt": "Shared at <0></0>",
"pleaseLogin": "Please sign in first.",
"cannotShare": "This file cannot be previewed.",
"preview": "Preview",
"incorrectPassword": "Password incorrect.",
"shareNotExist": "Invalid or expired share link."
"download": {
"failedToLoad": "Failed to load.",
"active": "Active",
"finished": "Finished",
"activeEmpty": "No ongoing download task.",
"finishedEmpty": "No finished download task.",
"loadMore": "Load more",
"taskFileDeleted": "File deleted.",
"unknownTaskName": "[Unknown]",
"taskCanceled": "Download task cancelled, status will be updated later",
"operationSubmitted": "Operation submitted, status will be updated later",
"deleteThisFile": "Delete this file",
"openDstFolder": "Open target folder",
"selectDownloadingFile": "Select files to download",
"cancelTask": "Cancel",
"updatedAt": "Updated at: ",
"uploaded": "Uploaded: ",
"uploadSpeed": "Upload speed: ",
"InfoHash": "InfoHash: ",
"seederCount": "Seeders:",
"seeding": "Seeding: ",
"downloadNode": "Node: ",
"isSeeding": "Yes",
"notSeeding": "No",
"chunkSize": "Chunk size:",
"chunkNumbers": "Chunks:",
"taskDeleted": "Task deleted.",
"transferFailed": "Failed to transfer files.",
"downloadFailed": "Download failed: {{msg}}",
"canceledStatus": "Canceled",
"finishedStatus": "Finished",
"pending": "Finished, transfer pending in queue",
"transferring": "Finished, transferring",
"deleteRecord": "Delete record",
"createdAt": "Created at: "
"setting": {
"avatarUpdated": "The avatar has been updated and will take effect after refreshing.",
"nickChanged": "Nickname changed and will take effect after refreshing.",
"settingSaved": "Setting saved.",
"themeColorChanged": "Theme color changed.",
"profile": "Profile",
"avatar": "Avatar",
"uid": "UID",
"nickname": "Nickname",
"group": "Group",
"regTime": "Sign up date",
"privacyAndSecurity": "Privacy and security",
"profilePage": "Public profile",
"accountPassword": "Password",
"2fa": "2FA authentication",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"appearance": "Appearance",
"themeColor": "Theme color",
"darkMode": "Dark mode",
"syncWithSystem": "Sync with system",
"fileList": "File list",
"timeZone": "Timezone",
"webdavServer": "Server",
"userName": "Username",
"manageAccount": "Manage accounts",
"uploadImage": "Upload from file",
"useGravatar": "Use Gravatar ",
"changeNick": "Change nickname",
"originalPassword": "Original password",
"enable2FA": "Enable 2FA authentication",
"disable2FA": "Disable 2FA authentication",
"2faDescription": "Please use any 2FA mobile app or password management software that supports 2FA to scan the QR code on the left to add this site. After scanning, please fill in the 6-digit verification code given by the 2FA app to enable 2FA.",
"inputCurrent2FACode": "Enter current 2FA verification code.",
"timeZoneCode": "IANA timezone code",
"authenticatorRemoved": "Authenticator removed.",
"authenticatorAdded": "Authenticator added.",
"browserNotSupported": "Not supported by current browser or environment.",
"removedAuthenticator": "Remove authenticator",
"removedAuthenticatorConfirm": "Are you sure to remove this authenticator?",
"addNewAuthenticator": "Add a authenticator",
"hardwareAuthenticator": "Hardware authenticator",
"copied": "Copied to clipboard.",
"pleaseManuallyCopy": "Current browser does not support, please copy manually.",
"webdavAccounts": "WebDAV Accounts",
"webdavHint": "WebDAV server: {{url}}; Username: {{name}} ; The password is the password of the created account below.",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"rootFolder": "Relative root folder",
"createdAt": "Created at",
"action": "Action",
"readonlyOn": "Turn on readonly",
"readonlyOff": "Turn off readonly",
"useProxyOn": "Turn on reverse proxy",
"useProxyOff": "Turn off reverse proxy",
"delete": "Delete",
"listEmpty": "No records.",
"createNewAccount": "Create new account",
"taskType": "Task type",
"taskStatus": "Status",
"lastProgress": "Last progress",
"errorDetails": "Error details",
"queueing": "Queueing",
"processing": "Processing",
"failed": "Failed",
"canceled": "Canceled",
"finished": "Finished",
"fileTransfer": "File transfer",
"fileRecycle": "File recycle",
"importFiles": "Import external files",
"transferProgress": "{{num}} files done",
"waiting": "Pending",
"compressing": "Compressing",
"decompressing": "Decompressing",
"downloading": "Downloading",
"transferring": "Transferring",
"indexing": "Indexing",
"listing": "Inserting",
"allShares": "Shared",
"trendingShares": "Trending",
"totalShares": "Created shares",
"fileName": "File name",
"shareDate": "Shared at",
"downloadNumber": "Downloads",
"viewNumber": "Views",
"language": "Language",
"iOSApp": "iOS App",
"connectByiOS": "Connect to <0>{{title}}</0> through iOS devices.",
"downloadOurApp": "Download our iOS APP:",
"fillInEndpoint": "Scan below QR Code with our App (DO NOT use other app to scan):",
"loginApp": "You can start using the iOS App now. If you encounter problems with the QR Code, you can also try to manually enter your username and password to log in.",
"aboutCloudreve": "About Cloudreve",
"githubRepo": "GitHub Repository",
"homepage": "Homepage"
"vas": {
"loginWithQQ": "Sign in with QQ",
"quota": "Quota",
"exceedQuota": "Your used capacity has exceeded the quota, please delete the extra files or buy more storage as soon as possible.",
"extendStorage": "Buy storage",
"folderPolicySwitched": "Folder storage policy is switched.",
"switchFolderPolicy": "Switching folder storage policies",
"setPolicyForFolder": "Set the storage policy for the current folder: ",
"manageMount": "Manage mounts",
"saveToMyFiles": "Save to my files",
"report": "Report abuse",
"migrateStoragePolicy": "Migrate storage policy",
"fileSaved": "File(s) saved.",
"sharePurchaseTitle": "Sure you want to pay {{score}} credits for this share?",
"sharePurchaseDescription": "After purchase, you are free to preview and download all the contents of this share without repeated deduction for a certain period of time. If you have already purchased, please ignore this message.",
"payToDownload": "Paid credits to download",
"creditToBePaid": "Credits to be paid per person per download",
"creditGainPredict": "Expected {{num}} points to you per download",
"creditPrice": " (Cost {{num}} credits)",
"creditFree": " (Credits free)",
"cancelSubscription": "The cancellation is successful and the change will take effect in a few minutes.",
"qqUnlinked": "Unlinked from QQ account.",
"groupExpire": " Expires <0></0>",
"manuallyCancelSubscription": "Unsubscribe current user group",
"qqAccount": "QQ account",
"connect": "Connect",
"unlink": "Unlink",
"credits": "Credits",
"cancelSubscriptionTitle": "Unsubscribe",
"cancelSubscriptionWarning": "You will return to the initial user group and the credits paid is not refundable, are you sure you want to continue?",
"mountPolicy": "Mount storage policy",
"mountDescription": "After mounting a storage policy to a folder, new files uploaded to this folder or sub-folders will be stored using the mounted storage policy. Copying and moving to this folder will not apply the mounted storage policy; when multiple parent folders are specified, the storage policy of the closest parent folder will be selected.",
"mountNewFolder": "Mount new folder",
"nsfw": "NSFW",
"malware": "Malware",
"copyright": "Copyright",
"inappropriateStatements": "Inappropriate statements",
"other": "Other",
"groupBaseQuota": "Group base quota",
"validPackQuota": "Storage packs",
"used": "Used",
"total": "Total",
"validStoragePack": "Valid storage packs",
"buyStoragePack": "Buy storage packs",
"useGiftCode": "Redeem with gift code",
"packName": "Pack name",
"activationDate": "Activation date",
"validDuration": "Duration",
"expiredAt": "Expire at",
"days": "$t(share.days, {\"count\": {{num}} })",
"pleaseInputGiftCode": "Please enter gift code.",
"pleaseSelectAStoragePack": "Please select a storage pack.",
"selectPaymentMethod": "Payment: ",
"noAvailableMethod": "No available payment method",
"alipay": "Alipay",
"wechatPay": "Wechat Pay",
"payByCredits": "Credits",
"purchaseDuration": "Duration unit: ",
"creditsNum": "Credits qyt:",
"store": "Store",
"storagePacks": "Storage packs",
"membership": "Memberships",
"buyCredits": "Credits",
"subtotal": "Subtotal: ",
"creditsTotalNum": "{{num}} credits",
"checkoutNow": "Buy now",
"recommended": "Recommended",
"enterGiftCode": "Enter gift code",
"qrcodeAlipay": "Please use Alipay to scan the QR code below to complete the payment, this page will be automatically refreshed after the payment is completed.",
"qrcodeWechat": "Please use Wechat to scan the QR code below to complete the payment, this page will be automatically refreshed after the payment is completed.",
"qrcodeCustom": "Please scan the QR code below to complete the payment, this page will be automatically refreshed after the payment is completed.",
"paymentCompleted": "Payment completed",
"productDelivered": "Your purchase are processed.",
"confirmRedeem": "Redeem",
"productName": "Product: ",
"qyt": "Qyt: ",
"duration": "Duration: ",
"subscribe": "Subscribe",
"selected": "Selected: ",
"paymentQrcode": "Payment QRCode",
"validDurationDays": "Duration: $t(share.days, {\"count\": {{num}} })",
"reportSuccessful": "Report submitted.",
"additionalDescription": "Additional description",
"announcement": "Announcement",
"dontShowAgain": "Don't show again",
"openPaymentLink": "Open payment link"