2024-02-25 08:27:01 +08:00

90 lines
4.1 KiB

"pageNotFound": "Page not found",
"unknownError": "Unknown error",
"errLoadingSiteConfig": "Unable to load site configuration: ",
"newVersionRefresh": "A new version of the current page is available and ready to be refreshed.",
"errorDetails": "Error details",
"renderError": "There is an error in the page rendering, please try refreshing this page.",
"ok": "OK",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"select": "Select",
"copyToClipboard": "Copy",
"close": "Close",
"intlDateTime": "{{val, datetime}}",
"timeAgoLocaleCode": "en_US",
"forEditorLocaleCode": "en",
"artPlayerLocaleCode": "en",
"errors": {
"401": "Please login.",
"403": "You are not allowed to perform this action.",
"404": "Resource not found.",
"409": "Conflict. ({{message}})",
"40001": "Invalid input parameters ({{message}}).",
"40002": "Upload failed.",
"40003": "Failed to create folder.",
"40004": "Object with the same name already exist.",
"40005": "Signature expired.",
"40006": "Not supported policy type.",
"40007": "Current group have no permission to perform such action.",
"40011": "Upload session not exist or expired.",
"40012": "Invalid chunk index. ({{message}})",
"40013": "Invalid content length. ({{message}})",
"40014": "Exceed batch size limit of getting source link.",
"40015": "Exceed aria2 batch size limit.",
"40016": "Path not found.",
"40017": "This account has been blocked.",
"40018": "This account is not activated.",
"40019": "This feature is not enabled.",
"40020": "Wrong password or email address.",
"40021": "User not found.",
"40022": "Verification code not correct.",
"40023": "Login session not exist.",
"40024": "Cannot initialize WebAuthn.",
"40025": "Authentication failed.",
"40026": "CAPTCHA code is not correct.",
"40027": "Verification failed, please refresh the page and retry.",
"40028": "Email delivery failed.",
"40029": "This link is invalid.",
"40030": "This link is expired.",
"40032": "This email is already in use.",
"40033": "This account is not activated, activation email has been resent.",
"40034": "This user cannot be activated.",
"40035": "Storage policy not found.",
"40039": "Group not found.",
"40044": "File not found.",
"40045": "Failed to list objects under given folder.",
"40047": "Failed to initialize filesystem.",
"40048": "Failed to create task",
"40049": "File size exceed limit.",
"40050": "File type not allowed.",
"40051": "Insufficient storage quota.",
"40052": "Invalid object name, please remove special characters.",
"40053": "Cannot perform such action on root folder",
"40054": "File with the same name is already being uploaded under this folder, please cleanup upload sessions.",
"40055": "File metadata mismatch.",
"40056": "Unsupported compressed file type.",
"40057": "Available storage policy has changed, please refresh the file list and add this task again.",
"40058": "This share does not exist or already expired.",
"40069": "Incorrect password.",
"40070": "This share doesn't support preview.",
"40071": "Invalid signature.",
"50001": "Database operation failed. ({{message}})",
"50002": "Failed to sign the URL or request. ({{message}})",
"50004": "I/O operation failed. ({{message}})",
"50005": "Internal error.",
"50010": "Desired node is unavailable.",
"50011": "Failed to query file metadata."
"vasErrors": {
"40031": "This email provider is forbidden, please change to another one.",
"40059": "You cannot save your own share.",
"40062": "Insufficient credits.",
"40063": "Your current membership has not yet expired, please go to settings page to manually unsubscribe the membership. first.",
"40064": "You are already in this membership.",
"40065": "Invalid gift code.",
"40066": "You already have a QQ account linked, please unlink it first.",
"40067": "This QQ account is already linked to other account.",
"40068": "This QQ account is not linked to any account.",
"40072": "You are administrator, you cannot purchase other group."