package onedrive import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "path" "strconv" "strings" "time" model "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( // SmallFileSize 单文件上传接口最大尺寸 SmallFileSize uint64 = 4 * 1024 * 1024 // ChunkSize 服务端中转分片上传分片大小 ChunkSize uint64 = 10 * 1024 * 1024 // ListRetry 列取请求重试次数 ListRetry = 1 chunkRetrySleep = time.Second * 5 notFoundError = "itemNotFound" ) // GetSourcePath 获取文件的绝对路径 func (info *FileInfo) GetSourcePath() string { res, err := url.PathUnescape(info.ParentReference.Path) if err != nil { return "" } return strings.TrimPrefix( path.Join( strings.TrimPrefix(res, "/drive/root:"), info.Name, ), "/", ) } func (client *Client) getRequestURL(api string, opts ...Option) string { options := newDefaultOption() for _, o := range opts { o.apply(options) } base, _ := url.Parse(client.Endpoints.EndpointURL) if base == nil { return "" } if options.useDriverResource { base.Path = path.Join(base.Path, client.Endpoints.DriverResource, api) } else { base.Path = path.Join(base.Path, api) } return base.String() } // ListChildren 根据路径列取子对象 func (client *Client) ListChildren(ctx context.Context, path string) ([]FileInfo, error) { var requestURL string dst := strings.TrimPrefix(path, "/") if dst == "" { requestURL = client.getRequestURL("root/children") } else { requestURL = client.getRequestURL("root:/" + dst + ":/children") } res, err := client.requestWithStr(ctx, "GET", requestURL+"?$top=999999999", "", 200) if err != nil { retried := 0 if v, ok := ctx.Value(fsctx.RetryCtx).(int); ok { retried = v } if retried < ListRetry { retried++ util.Log().Debug("Failed to list path %q: %s, will retry in 5 seconds.", path, err) time.Sleep(time.Duration(5) * time.Second) return client.ListChildren(context.WithValue(ctx, fsctx.RetryCtx, retried), path) } return nil, err } var ( decodeErr error fileInfo ListResponse ) decodeErr = json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &fileInfo) if decodeErr != nil { return nil, decodeErr } return fileInfo.Value, nil } // Meta 根据资源ID或文件路径获取文件元信息 func (client *Client) Meta(ctx context.Context, id string, path string) (*FileInfo, error) { var requestURL string if id != "" { requestURL = client.getRequestURL("items/" + id) } else { dst := strings.TrimPrefix(path, "/") requestURL = client.getRequestURL("root:/" + dst) } res, err := client.requestWithStr(ctx, "GET", requestURL+"?expand=thumbnails", "", 200) if err != nil { return nil, err } var ( decodeErr error fileInfo FileInfo ) decodeErr = json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &fileInfo) if decodeErr != nil { return nil, decodeErr } return &fileInfo, nil } // CreateUploadSession 创建分片上传会话 func (client *Client) CreateUploadSession(ctx context.Context, dst string, opts ...Option) (string, error) { options := newDefaultOption() for _, o := range opts { o.apply(options) } dst = strings.TrimPrefix(dst, "/") requestURL := client.getRequestURL("root:/" + dst + ":/createUploadSession") body := map[string]map[string]interface{}{ "item": { "@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior": options.conflictBehavior, }, } bodyBytes, _ := json.Marshal(body) res, err := client.requestWithStr(ctx, "POST", requestURL, string(bodyBytes), 200) if err != nil { return "", err } var ( decodeErr error uploadSession UploadSessionResponse ) decodeErr = json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &uploadSession) if decodeErr != nil { return "", decodeErr } return uploadSession.UploadURL, nil } // GetSiteIDByURL 通过 SharePoint 站点 URL 获取站点ID func (client *Client) GetSiteIDByURL(ctx context.Context, siteUrl string) (string, error) { siteUrlParsed, err := url.Parse(siteUrl) if err != nil { return "", err } hostName := siteUrlParsed.Hostname() relativePath := strings.Trim(siteUrlParsed.Path, "/") requestURL := client.getRequestURL(fmt.Sprintf("sites/%s:/%s", hostName, relativePath), WithDriverResource(false)) res, reqErr := client.requestWithStr(ctx, "GET", requestURL, "", 200) if reqErr != nil { return "", reqErr } var ( decodeErr error siteInfo Site ) decodeErr = json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &siteInfo) if decodeErr != nil { return "", decodeErr } return siteInfo.ID, nil } // GetUploadSessionStatus 查询上传会话状态 func (client *Client) GetUploadSessionStatus(ctx context.Context, uploadURL string) (*UploadSessionResponse, error) { res, err := client.requestWithStr(ctx, "GET", uploadURL, "", 200) if err != nil { return nil, err } var ( decodeErr error uploadSession UploadSessionResponse ) decodeErr = json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &uploadSession) if decodeErr != nil { return nil, decodeErr } return &uploadSession, nil } // UploadChunk 上传分片 func (client *Client) UploadChunk(ctx context.Context, uploadURL string, content io.Reader, current *chunk.ChunkGroup) (*UploadSessionResponse, error) { res, err := client.request( ctx, "PUT", uploadURL, content, request.WithContentLength(current.Length()), request.WithHeader(http.Header{ "Content-Range": {current.RangeHeader()}, }), request.WithoutHeader([]string{"Authorization", "Content-Type"}), request.WithTimeout(0), ) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to upload OneDrive chunk #%d: %w", current.Index(), err) } if current.IsLast() { return nil, nil } var ( decodeErr error uploadRes UploadSessionResponse ) decodeErr = json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &uploadRes) if decodeErr != nil { return nil, decodeErr } return &uploadRes, nil } // Upload 上传文件 func (client *Client) Upload(ctx context.Context, file fsctx.FileHeader) error { fileInfo := file.Info() // 决定是否覆盖文件 overwrite := "fail" if fileInfo.Mode&fsctx.Overwrite == fsctx.Overwrite { overwrite = "replace" } size := int(fileInfo.Size) dst := fileInfo.SavePath // 小文件,使用简单上传接口上传 if size <= int(SmallFileSize) { _, err := client.SimpleUpload(ctx, dst, file, int64(size), WithConflictBehavior(overwrite)) return err } // 大文件,进行分片 // 创建上传会话 uploadURL, err := client.CreateUploadSession(ctx, dst, WithConflictBehavior(overwrite)) if err != nil { return err } // Initial chunk groups chunks := chunk.NewChunkGroup(file, client.Policy.OptionsSerialized.ChunkSize, &backoff.ConstantBackoff{ Max: model.GetIntSetting("chunk_retries", 5), Sleep: chunkRetrySleep, }, model.IsTrueVal(model.GetSettingByName("use_temp_chunk_buffer"))) uploadFunc := func(current *chunk.ChunkGroup, content io.Reader) error { _, err := client.UploadChunk(ctx, uploadURL, content, current) return err } // upload chunks for chunks.Next() { if err := chunks.Process(uploadFunc); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to upload chunk #%d: %w", chunks.Index(), err) } } return nil } // DeleteUploadSession 删除上传会话 func (client *Client) DeleteUploadSession(ctx context.Context, uploadURL string) error { _, err := client.requestWithStr(ctx, "DELETE", uploadURL, "", 204) if err != nil { return err } return nil } // SimpleUpload 上传小文件到dst func (client *Client) SimpleUpload(ctx context.Context, dst string, body io.Reader, size int64, opts ...Option) (*UploadResult, error) { options := newDefaultOption() for _, o := range opts { o.apply(options) } dst = strings.TrimPrefix(dst, "/") requestURL := client.getRequestURL("root:/" + dst + ":/content") requestURL += ("?@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior=" + options.conflictBehavior) res, err := client.request(ctx, "PUT", requestURL, body, request.WithContentLength(int64(size)), request.WithTimeout(0), ) if err != nil { return nil, err } var ( decodeErr error uploadRes UploadResult ) decodeErr = json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &uploadRes) if decodeErr != nil { return nil, decodeErr } return &uploadRes, nil } // BatchDelete 并行删除给出的文件,返回删除失败的文件,及第一个遇到的错误。此方法将文件分为 // 20个一组,调用Delete并行删除 // TODO 测试 func (client *Client) BatchDelete(ctx context.Context, dst []string) ([]string, error) { groupNum := len(dst)/20 + 1 finalRes := make([]string, 0, len(dst)) res := make([]string, 0, 20) var err error for i := 0; i < groupNum; i++ { end := 20*i + 20 if i == groupNum-1 { end = len(dst) } res, err = client.Delete(ctx, dst[20*i:end]) finalRes = append(finalRes, res...) } return finalRes, err } // Delete 并行删除文件,返回删除失败的文件,及第一个遇到的错误, // 由于API限制,最多删除20个 func (client *Client) Delete(ctx context.Context, dst []string) ([]string, error) { body := client.makeBatchDeleteRequestsBody(dst) res, err := client.requestWithStr(ctx, "POST", client.getRequestURL("$batch", WithDriverResource(false)), body, 200) if err != nil { return dst, err } var ( decodeErr error deleteRes BatchResponses ) decodeErr = json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &deleteRes) if decodeErr != nil { return dst, decodeErr } // 取得删除失败的文件 failed := getDeleteFailed(&deleteRes) if len(failed) != 0 { return failed, ErrDeleteFile } return failed, nil } func getDeleteFailed(res *BatchResponses) []string { var failed = make([]string, 0, len(res.Responses)) for _, v := range res.Responses { if v.Status != 204 && v.Status != 404 { failed = append(failed, v.ID) } } return failed } // makeBatchDeleteRequestsBody 生成批量删除请求正文 func (client *Client) makeBatchDeleteRequestsBody(files []string) string { req := BatchRequests{ Requests: make([]BatchRequest, len(files)), } for i, v := range files { v = strings.TrimPrefix(v, "/") filePath, _ := url.Parse("/" + client.Endpoints.DriverResource + "/root:/") filePath.Path = path.Join(filePath.Path, v) req.Requests[i] = BatchRequest{ ID: v, Method: "DELETE", URL: filePath.EscapedPath(), } } res, _ := json.Marshal(req) return string(res) } // GetThumbURL 获取给定尺寸的缩略图URL func (client *Client) GetThumbURL(ctx context.Context, dst string, w, h uint) (string, error) { dst = strings.TrimPrefix(dst, "/") requestURL := client.getRequestURL("root:/"+dst+":/thumbnails/0") + "/large" res, err := client.requestWithStr(ctx, "GET", requestURL, "", 200) if err != nil { return "", err } var ( decodeErr error thumbRes ThumbResponse ) decodeErr = json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &thumbRes) if decodeErr != nil { return "", decodeErr } if thumbRes.URL != "" { return thumbRes.URL, nil } if len(thumbRes.Value) == 1 { if res, ok := thumbRes.Value[0]["large"]; ok { return res.(map[string]interface{})["url"].(string), nil } } return "", ErrThumbSizeNotFound } // MonitorUpload 监控客户端分片上传进度 func (client *Client) MonitorUpload(uploadURL, callbackKey, path string, size uint64, ttl int64) { // 回调完成通知chan callbackChan := mq.GlobalMQ.Subscribe(callbackKey, 1) defer mq.GlobalMQ.Unsubscribe(callbackKey, callbackChan) timeout := model.GetIntSetting("onedrive_monitor_timeout", 600) interval := model.GetIntSetting("onedrive_callback_check", 20) for { select { case <-callbackChan: util.Log().Debug("Client finished OneDrive callback.") return case <-time.After(time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second): // 上传会话到期,仍未完成上传,创建占位符 client.DeleteUploadSession(context.Background(), uploadURL) _, err := client.SimpleUpload(context.Background(), path, strings.NewReader(""), 0, WithConflictBehavior("replace")) if err != nil { util.Log().Debug("Failed to create placeholder file: %s", err) } return case <-time.After(time.Duration(timeout) * time.Second): util.Log().Debug("Checking OneDrive upload status.") status, err := client.GetUploadSessionStatus(context.Background(), uploadURL) if err != nil { if resErr, ok := err.(*RespError); ok { if resErr.APIError.Code == notFoundError { util.Log().Debug("Upload completed, will check upload callback later.") select { case <-time.After(time.Duration(interval) * time.Second): util.Log().Warning("No callback is made, file will be deleted.") cache.Deletes([]string{callbackKey}, "callback_") _, err = client.Delete(context.Background(), []string{path}) if err != nil { util.Log().Warning("Failed to delete file without callback: %s", err) } case <-callbackChan: util.Log().Debug("Client finished callback.") } return } } util.Log().Debug("Failed to get upload session status: %s, continue next iteration.", err.Error()) continue } // 成功获取分片上传状态,检查文件大小 if len(status.NextExpectedRanges) == 0 { continue } sizeRange := strings.Split( status.NextExpectedRanges[len(status.NextExpectedRanges)-1], "-", ) if len(sizeRange) != 2 { continue } uploadFullSize, _ := strconv.ParseUint(sizeRange[1], 10, 64) if (sizeRange[0] == "0" && sizeRange[1] == "") || uploadFullSize+1 != size { util.Log().Debug("Upload has not started, or uploaded file size not match, canceling upload session...") // 取消上传会话,实测OneDrive取消上传会话后,客户端还是可以上传, // 所以上传一个空文件占位,阻止客户端上传 client.DeleteUploadSession(context.Background(), uploadURL) _, err := client.SimpleUpload(context.Background(), path, strings.NewReader(""), 0, WithConflictBehavior("replace")) if err != nil { util.Log().Debug("无法创建占位文件,%s", err) } return } } } } func sysError(err error) *RespError { return &RespError{APIError: APIError{ Code: "system", Message: err.Error(), }} } func (client *Client) request(ctx context.Context, method string, url string, body io.Reader, option ...request.Option) (string, error) { // 获取凭证 err := client.UpdateCredential(ctx, conf.SystemConfig.Mode == "slave") if err != nil { return "", sysError(err) } option = append(option, request.WithHeader(http.Header{ "Authorization": {"Bearer " + client.Credential.AccessToken}, "Content-Type": {"application/json"}, }), request.WithContext(ctx), request.WithTPSLimit( fmt.Sprintf("policy_%d", client.Policy.ID), client.Policy.OptionsSerialized.TPSLimit, client.Policy.OptionsSerialized.TPSLimitBurst, ), ) // 发送请求 res := client.Request.Request( method, url, body, option..., ) if res.Err != nil { return "", sysError(res.Err) } respBody, err := res.GetResponse() if err != nil { return "", sysError(err) } // 解析请求响应 var ( errResp RespError decodeErr error ) // 如果有错误 if res.Response.StatusCode < 200 || res.Response.StatusCode >= 300 { decodeErr = json.Unmarshal([]byte(respBody), &errResp) if decodeErr != nil { util.Log().Debug("Onedrive returns unknown response: %s", respBody) return "", sysError(decodeErr) } if res.Response.StatusCode == 429 { util.Log().Warning("OneDrive request is throttled.") return "", backoff.NewRetryableErrorFromHeader(&errResp, res.Response.Header) } return "", &errResp } return respBody, nil } func (client *Client) requestWithStr(ctx context.Context, method string, url string, body string, expectedCode int) (string, error) { // 发送请求 bodyReader := io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(body)) return client.request(ctx, method, url, bodyReader, request.WithContentLength(int64(len(body))), ) }