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2024-02-25 08:30:34 +08:00
package payment
import (
model ""
var (
// ErrUnknownPaymentMethod 未知支付方式
ErrUnknownPaymentMethod = serializer.NewError(serializer.CodeInternalSetting, "Unknown payment method", nil)
// ErrUnsupportedPaymentMethod 未知支付方式
ErrUnsupportedPaymentMethod = serializer.NewError(serializer.CodeInternalSetting, "This order cannot be paid with this method", nil)
// ErrInsertOrder 无法插入订单记录
ErrInsertOrder = serializer.NewError(serializer.CodeDBError, "Failed to insert order record", nil)
// ErrScoreNotEnough 积分不足
ErrScoreNotEnough = serializer.NewError(serializer.CodeInsufficientCredit, "", nil)
// ErrCreateStoragePack 无法创建容量包
ErrCreateStoragePack = serializer.NewError(serializer.CodeDBError, "Failed to create storage pack record", nil)
// ErrGroupConflict 用户组冲突
ErrGroupConflict = serializer.NewError(serializer.CodeGroupConflict, "", nil)
// ErrGroupInvalid 用户组冲突
ErrGroupInvalid = serializer.NewError(serializer.CodeGroupInvalid, "", nil)
// ErrAdminFulfillGroup 管理员无法购买用户组
ErrAdminFulfillGroup = serializer.NewError(serializer.CodeFulfillAdminGroup, "", nil)
// ErrUpgradeGroup 用户组冲突
ErrUpgradeGroup = serializer.NewError(serializer.CodeDBError, "Failed to update user's group", nil)
// ErrUInitPayment 无法初始化支付实例
ErrUInitPayment = serializer.NewError(serializer.CodeInternalSetting, "Failed to initialize payment client", nil)
// ErrIssueOrder 订单接口请求失败
ErrIssueOrder = serializer.NewError(serializer.CodeInternalSetting, "Failed to create order", nil)
// ErrOrderNotFound 订单不存在
ErrOrderNotFound = serializer.NewError(serializer.CodeNotFound, "", nil)
// Pay 支付处理接口
type Pay interface {
Create(order *model.Order, pack *serializer.PackProduct, group *serializer.GroupProducts, user *model.User) (*OrderCreateRes, error)
// OrderCreateRes 订单创建结果
type OrderCreateRes struct {
Payment bool `json:"payment"` // 是否需要支付
ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` // 订单号
QRCode string `json:"qr_code,omitempty"` // 支付二维码指向的地址
// NewPaymentInstance 获取新的支付实例
func NewPaymentInstance(method string) (Pay, error) {
switch method {
case "score":
return &ScorePayment{}, nil
case "alipay":
options := model.GetSettingByNames("alipay_enabled", "appid", "appkey", "shopid")
if options["alipay_enabled"] != "1" {
return nil, ErrUnknownPaymentMethod
// 初始化支付宝客户端
var client, err = alipay.New(options["appid"], options["appkey"], true)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrUInitPayment.WithError(err)
// 加载支付宝公钥
err = client.LoadAliPayPublicKey(options["shopid"])
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrUInitPayment.WithError(err)
return &Alipay{Client: client}, nil
case "payjs":
options := model.GetSettingByNames("payjs_enabled", "payjs_secret", "payjs_id")
if options["payjs_enabled"] != "1" {
return nil, ErrUnknownPaymentMethod
callback, _ := url.Parse("/api/v3/callback/payjs")
payjsConfig := &payjs.Config{
Key: options["payjs_secret"],
MchID: options["payjs_id"],
NotifyUrl: model.GetSiteURL().ResolveReference(callback).String(),
return &PayJSClient{Client: payjs.New(payjsConfig)}, nil
case "wechat":
options := model.GetSettingByNames("wechat_enabled", "wechat_appid", "wechat_mchid", "wechat_serial_no", "wechat_api_key", "wechat_pk_content")
if options["wechat_enabled"] != "1" {
return nil, ErrUnknownPaymentMethod
client, err := wechat.NewClientV3(options["wechat_appid"], options["wechat_mchid"], options["wechat_serial_no"], options["wechat_api_key"], options["wechat_pk_content"])
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrUInitPayment.WithError(err)
return &Wechat{Client: client, ApiV3Key: options["wechat_api_key"]}, nil
case "custom":
options := model.GetSettingByNames("custom_payment_enabled", "custom_payment_endpoint", "custom_payment_secret")
if !model.IsTrueVal(options["custom_payment_enabled"]) {
return nil, ErrUnknownPaymentMethod
return newCustomClient(options["custom_payment_endpoint"], options["custom_payment_secret"]), nil
return nil, ErrUnknownPaymentMethod
// NewOrder 创建新订单
func NewOrder(pack *serializer.PackProduct, group *serializer.GroupProducts, num int, method string, user *model.User) (*OrderCreateRes, error) {
// 获取支付实例
pay, err := NewPaymentInstance(method)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var (
orderType int
productID int64
title string
price int
if pack != nil {
orderType = model.PackOrderType
productID = pack.ID
title = pack.Name
price = pack.Price
} else if group != nil {
if err := checkGroupUpgrade(user, group); err != nil {
return nil, err
orderType = model.GroupOrderType
productID = group.ID
title = group.Name
price = group.Price
} else {
orderType = model.ScoreOrderType
productID = 0
title = fmt.Sprintf("%d 积分", num)
price = model.GetIntSetting("score_price", 1)
// 创建订单记录
order := &model.Order{
UserID: user.ID,
OrderNo: orderID(),
Type: orderType,
Method: method,
ProductID: productID,
Num: num,
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s - %s", model.GetSettingByName("siteName"), title),
Price: price,
Status: model.OrderUnpaid,
return pay.Create(order, pack, group, user)
func orderID() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d",